Extended Labor Warranty is now easier than ever! Check out OnCall Air Warranty+: one click, one SKU, zero headache.
Contractors looking to streamline their sales process and provide their customers with an interactive digital quote, moving their proposal to the “Modern page” not printed proposals. Whether you’re a large contractor with a dedicated sales team or a small one-person operation, OnCall Air can help you reach your sales goals.[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”What distributors are connected to OnCall Air?” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
Carrier Enterprise, Baker, Gemaire, East Coast Metal Distributors, Pierce Phelps, Homans, TEC and Heating and Cooling Supply
[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”What are the benefits of using a connected distributor? ” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”Can I use OnCall Air to offer equipment that I buy from a distributor that OnCall Air is not integrated with? ” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
Yes! You can offer any brand you want. “Non-connected” products will:
[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”How long does it take to get Onboarded?” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
It all depends on how much time you invest.
Some customers are up and running within days. The average onboarding takes around 3 weeks.
We recommend having 3-4 training calls with our Customer Success team. We have an initial setup guide for more independent learners as well. If you need additional training or review, you can schedule those calls with us at no additional charge!
The customer success team is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”What are acceptable uses for OnCall Air besides HVAC related jobs?” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
With our FlexJob feature, you can offer an array of jobs. This can include but is not limited to:
[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”Can I offer financing through OnCall Air?” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]
You can create financing options to be offered on your proposals. This will show homeowners an estimated monthly payment. You can even add a link for customers to apply directly. Click here to learn how.
Our Credit for Comfort integration makes presenting financing options even easier! Customers will be able to see their estimated monthly payment, terms and conditions, and can click to apply right from their proposal. With Credit for Comfort you can expect to receive financing decisions within minutes.[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”25″ title=”How do I EARN 3 months free with OnCall Air?” bodybg=”#f7fdff”]Sign up for OnCall Air.
Complete Kick-Off call within 15 days of signing up = 1 month free
Get an accepted proposal within 30 days of signing up = 2 months free[/accordion_son][/accordion_father]
Do you have any more questions for us? We’re only a call away. Let us know how we can help.
Call us now – 888-808-6231