Why Contractors Love Goodleap
- Options with zero dealer fee
- Submit documents and get approved in seconds
- Manage projects from start to funding on your desktop or mobile devices
- Fast funding (typically 1 - 2 business days)
- Get 'Notice to Proceed' approval in minutes
- Competitive rates
- Built-in second look
Support when You Need It
- Quality U.S. based customer service
- Available 7 days a week
- Contractor onboarding, trainings, and sales tools
Effortless Application Process
Credit pulled from all 3 bureaus, highest score used to qualify. Soft Credit until funding.
Co-borrowers don’t have to be on title, be related, or live in the home.
Only last 4 digits of SSN required to apply. ITIN numbers accepted for customers without SSN
Contracts are 100% digital via DocuSign.
Mobile, second homes and investment properties allowed
Leverage the power of GoodLeap through OnCall Air® to give your customers a premium experience from start to finish. Add GoodLeap to your OnCall Air® account today.